Friday, June 26, 2009


On Friday, June 26, 2009 I saw the end of our nation as we know it.

In the midst of the biggest destruction of our liberty by the democratic controlled congress, ALL of the news networks including the "conservative" Fox News went wall to wall to cover the unfortunate deaths of 2 celebrities. While I mourn with the families of Ms. Fawcett and Mr. Jackson, the importance of what the democratic controlled congress did today far outweighed in importance of the 2 deaths.

I'm disgusted with the entire 525 members of congress. I will do everything I can to unseat every one of you who voted for this horrible piece of legislation. I will give my money and time to see that all of you will never serve another term again. I'm one person without a lot of money and I fear now a lot less, but I can call, email, blog and complain.

Praise God I know who my security rests even though I can't bring to words the heaviness of my heart and what today means to my children.

God have mercy on us, we certainly don't deserve it.