Friday, November 25, 2005


What could be so offensive about these two words?

Words to most folks are just that, words.

To me, words mean things. Even parts of words. Take for example, the first five letters of Christmas. Could it be that these first five letters are so offensive that they must be deleted from all public discussion?

This time of year Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We sing traditional songs of His birth, we read of His birth in the Bible, we create dramatic productions and motion pictures of his birth, life, death and resurrection. We celebrate His life by erecting Christmas trees, we celebrate His position as the Light of the World by putting up Christmas lights around our homes. We exchange gifts because we remember His gift of salvation through His Son's shedding of innocent blood in exchange for our having to pay the penalty for our sins.

It's not holiday songs, holiday trees, holiday lights or holiday gifts, it's CHRISTMAS!

Remember this time of year for what it truly means!

Here's a couple of links that talk about the War on Christmas...
A Post from Darleen Click:

And a good book from John Gibson:

Thursday, November 24, 2005

My First Post & Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I've been threatening to do this "blog" thing for a couple of months now and I've finally run out of excuses to do it.

Hopefully my friends might find my semi-regular postings a better explanation on things in my life.

2005 has been a pivotal year in my and my family's journey in this life. This last March, my father got an unexplained ecoli infection and faced 3 really traumatic surgeries. Both of my sons and growing and my wife and I are facing our oldest very quickly approaching the teen years. My wife and I have never been closer and the Lord is showing me how to be a better man.

Please check in regularly and we'll go through this together!